Fillings & Restorations

Black holes and tooth decay happen for a range of reasons. When they are caught early enough, they can be fixed with simple straight forward fillings.  The type of material used depends on how extensive the filling or restoration is. Generally all our fillings we place are white fillings. 

Fixing decayed teeth early helps prevent possible future tooth infections. 

What to expect:


  • Your dental practitioner will assess what fillings or restorations are required.
  • Dental x-rays may be required to see the extent of the decay.
  • We anaesthetise the area that requires a filling or restoration
  • We restore the tooth back to its former shape, size and colour
  • Lastly your practitioner will advise how best to take care of your new filling.

Before and After aesthetic composite restorations

Worn and chipped Teeth


Restorations using composite bonding material. Teeth have been restored aesthetically to the correct shape and size.


Canine worn down


Canine restored with composite bonding

Got a tooth that needs filling?

Drop in at our clinic or click the link below to set up an appointment with our dental team.

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