Kids & Family Dentist

Family Dentist Brunswick

Our Commitment to Quality

A child’s first dental visit is an important milestone in their development. Belleview Dental is a Brunswick Children’s Denstist that tries to make a child’s dental visit as relaxed and stress free as possible. Having a positive experience will encourage your child to be comfortable with dental care over their lifetime. 

Belleview Dental – Brunswick Dentist is fortunate to have a highly experienced and trained Oral Health Therapist that treats kids of all ages. Oral Health Therapist provide an array of different services for children including:

  • Examinations
  • Fillings or restorations
  • Fissure sealants 
  • Stainless Steel Crowns
  • Mouth guards 
  • Dental pain or emergencies


MEDICARE – Children Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) – Bulk Billed 

Belleview dental accepts CDBS for eligible children.

If your child is aged 2-17 years they may be eligible for the Child dental benefits schedule. This provides your child $1000 to spend on dental care over a 2 year period at a private dental clinic. To find out eligibility please visit the Medicare Australia website. Additionally you may receive a letter from Medicare stating your child is eligible for the scheme.

How to make your childs first visit to the dentist enjoyable

Always speak positive about the dentis

Some parents have negative memories of their childhood dental experiences. This must not be instilled on to their children.

Practice counting teeth

Practice counting your child's teeth at home in your lap. Explain that this is what happens at the dentist. Make them guess how may teeth they have.

Read dental books

Read dental related books to your kids. Watch dental related clips with your children. This will make the expectation of the appointment fun.

Make their trip enjoyable

Bring their favourite toy along to the appointment to provide them support.

Don't use trigger words

Refrain from using trigger words such as pain, hurt, needle when talking about the dentist. This can make them fearful of attending the dentist.

Guided Biofilm Therapy technology with children

Belleview Family Dental Clinic uses the latest methods for removing plaque from children teeth, it’s called Guided biofilm
therapy. The results are truly amazing.

Professional for your families dental needs

Drop in at our Brunswick family dental clinic or click the link below to set up an appointment with our friendly dental team.